Monday, June 19, 2006

Exam dah abes, world cup tengah best, tanah air memanggil2 kes kes kes...

Alhamdulillah... another 'burden' is all behind me... hopefully I'll pass with flying colours... insya Allah... have got nothing particularly important to do... which got me thinking various weird issues.. such as getting married... haha... kinda of funny considering the thought coming from a commitaphobe that I am... but come to think of it, I have been thinking about that quite a lot lately (i.e. this past two years..) possibly because I'm surrounded by people who has already gotten married or people who are planning of getting married...


worse still, people who have problems with their 'marriage' whom like always I'm happy to entertain... and quite a lot came to me lately... hmmm...

World Cup? Argentina has by far, showed the best performance so far... Not only due to the number of goals they scored so far, but also the flair that they showed in the two matches... Simply awesome... Brazil and England (tanah tumpah darahku =p*) have been not surprisingly disappointing.. possibly overrated, but in my opinion their opposing teams seem to enjoy sitting back and defend... sooo boring... a bit too predictable world cup it seemed this time...

But most importantly, I'm going home on Sunday! So looking forward to it... just spent +- 100 quid on gifts on tuesday... but it is all worth it =)

* dah tu kalo aku luka kat england, takkan darah tumpah kat togo lak...